Project-based learning can feel overwhelming. It can seem like an entire transformation in your teaching practice. However, it doesn’t have to require a massive overhaul. Often, it’s more like an evolution. In my latest podcast episode, I interview Dr. Melissa Deutsch about her PBL journey. She addresses key concerns and common myths about PBL implementation. Dr. Deutsch has the unique perspective of using PBL in vastly different contexts as well. She also has research experience and leadership experience that shape her unique perspective.
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About Dr. Melissa Deutsch
In her own words:
I was honored to join the Indian Community School this year as the Director of Instruction and this marks my 17th year in education! During my career, I’ve been a 5th grade classroom teacher, instructional coach, Project-Based Learning specialist, and PK-12 Curriculum Coordinator. Through leadership work in best instructional practices, standards-based curriculum and assessment alignment, and learning environments that empower all students, we will continue striving to ensure high levels of student engagement and achievement.
I received my Undergraduate Degree from UW-LaCrosse, a Masters Degree in Education from Viterbo University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Edgewood College.
My husband and I have two young children. I spend much of my free time in nature on hiking trails. I spend time each summer climbing mountains in Colorado. So far, I’ve climbed nine of the Colorado “14ers” (peaks that exceed 14,000 feet). I also enjoy reading historical books, going on adventures with my family and finding quiet spaces to enjoy a cup of coffee.
It was an honor to have her on my podcast! I hope you enjoy!
Getting Started with PBL
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The post Dr. Melissa Deutsch on the PBL Journey appeared first on John Spencer.