Statement From Meghan Asha
TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2013-04-07
Following our story yesterday about the claims against TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, and our request for more information as to what exactly happened, one of the key people he is accused of assaulting has responded. Meghan Asha has provided us with the following statement:
None of the claims made on my behalf over the past week are accurate. I’m not inclined to comment on my personal life, Mike and I remain friends. I’m focused on business and my career.
I hope we can all get back to the business of building innovative companies in the spirit of what makes this industry great. I wish everyone well who is involved. I have no further comment on the matter.
As we continue to look into this matter, we appreciate any parties with more facts to come forward, on the record or anonymously if they have to.