Help Kick Path's Butt (And Support Teach For America)
TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2013-04-10

Some of us in tech are self-taught geniuses who never needed school — but that’s mostly not the case, and you know it. Great teachers in math, science, reading and other core areas have helped this generation of tech leaders get the skills they needed to succeed, and those teachers are busy training the next generation right now.
Now, help them. Here, we’ll make it easy for you: We’ve put together a meetup in San Francisco this coming Tuesday, April 16th at the Temple night club on Howard Street. Come hang out with us — and support teachers — by purchasing these $15 tickets. All the proceeds will go to Team TechCrunch’s fund on Causes. We’re right behind Dave Morin’s Path on the leaderboard at the moment, and quite honestly we think we can take them.
Even if you can’t come out to the event, jump over to Causes and donate to help the TFA’s Bay Area efforts.
The goal is to raise $250,000 through Causes, which would fund at least 50 teachers in the Bay Area. Teach For America has been working in the Bay Area since 1991, with 430 TFA corps members working in Richmond, Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose — reaching over 30,000 students at 127 schools.
The contest will run until April 18th, and there will be two grand prizes. The individual, or team, that helps Teach For America fund the most teachers will win a table for 10 at Teach For America – Bay Area’s 3rd Annual Benefit Dinner on April 23rd, featuring keynote speaker Sheryl Sandberg.
If TechCrunch wins, we’ll give those tickets to the people or startup that contributed the most to the Team TechCrunch till. So help us beat Path, at least.
Tickets are $15 and give you entry to the event. All proceeds will be donated to Teach For America. Get your tickets here. Now.