Early Bird Disrupt NY Sales End Today, And We're Giving Tickets To The First 10 People Who Donate $500 To TFA

TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2013-04-11

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Thank you readers, you helped us kick Path to the curb in our Teach For America challenge. Muahahahahahaha. Now let’s see if we can get to that number one slot. Fear our TechCrunch power, Jessica Lessin.

To sweeten the deal we’re offering free Disrupt tickets for the first ten people who donate $500 and over to the cause. In case you missed it, we’re having a SF TechCrunch Meetup to benefit TFA, with a minimum donation fee of $15, though the more generous among you can donate in $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 increments.

Also, this Friday is my birthday, so I’m treating this as sort of a de facto birthday party because there’s no one I’d rather spend my birthday with more than you, dear readers.

Also, also, in case you missed the headline and the chance to grab a $500 ticket, today is your last day to buy Disrupt NY admission with the early bird discount. The general admission ticket price increases by $1,000 tomorrow to $2,995, FYI. A ticket grants you admission to all three days of the conference and the official after parties. Of course you could also snag a general admission ticket by participating in the Hackathon.

Startup Alley and Hardware Alley tickets are also available. These packages, available at several different price points, are perfect for budding web and hardware startups seeking an audience. Each package includes tickets to the show along with a cocktail table in Disrupt’s exhibit hall.

There are plenty of ways to get into the event and plenty of reasons to go. You will hobnob with investors, VCs, and inventors and me in case you missed my de facto birthday party. Get your ticket here.

Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team here sponsors@techcrunch.com.

Image via CashCats.biz