Arrington Presents Evidence In Letter Claiming Abuse Allegations Were False
TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2013-04-11
TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington has made good on his promise to reveal more detail in his case against accuser Jenn Allen, and posted a letter from his lawyer presenting his side of the story. The document, which presents some heavy stuff, asks that Jenn Allen retract her public statements or Arrington will continue with planned legal action.
The letter counters Allen’s allegation that Arrington raped her on March 5 of last year by stating that travel and credit card records show that Arrington was in Seattle at the time, while Allen was in San Francisco. It also claims that Allen previously lied about being pregnant.
“Please consider this letter to constitute a demand for an immediate retraction by you of each of the previous statements. I would appreciate the courtesy of your written response to this demand no later than close of business Monday, April 15, 2013. Indeed, failing a response by you that unconditionally retracts your false and defamatory statements, you will have left us with no choice but to proceed with legal action against you. Litigation is an absolute last resort for Michael, but we will pursue all options to undo the reputational injury caused by your misconduct.”
The letter is embedded below and ends with a good amount of digital correspondence from their relationship. It is not for the faint of heart.
Demand Letter to Jennifer Allen