Party In SF, For Charity
TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2013-04-22

The TechCrunch SF staff normally goes to your parties, but tonight you can come to ours. And this one has a mission beyond drinking and tech talk — we’ll be donating the proceeds to a nonprofit, like we’ve done in the past. This time to Teach for America.
Teach For America trains and places recent college grads and professionals in low-income schools. Programs like this can give students the exposure and mentorship they need to develop the skills required for rigorous work in the tech industry, like coding for example.
The venue is at the Temple night club on Howard Street. So come hang out with us tonight — and support teachers — by purchasing tickets for $15.
The party is not open bar, but if you have a problem with that, ask Alexia or Eldon to buy you a drink. Because, charity. All the proceeds will go to Team TechCrunch’s fund on Causes and help us continue to kick Path’s ass.
TechCrunch, fuck yeah.