Welcome Matthew Lynley, Nicole Wilke, Andrew Sweeney And New TCTV Director Sarah Lane

TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2015-07-01


giphy We talk about sharks a lot here at TechCrunch.  We sympathize with the sea hunters in a lot of ways. Not everything people say about us is true; we’ve got thick skin; we dance to our own rhythm; we like to hunt for our food and become disinterested if it’s fed to us. And, most importantly, we have to keep moving or we die. And part of moving involves hiring, so we’re proud… Read More



From feeds:

#edutech » TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive


andrew sweeney tc sarah lane nicole wilke matthew lynley


Alexia Tsotsis,Matthew Panzarino

Date tagged:

07/01/2015, 04:26

Date published:

03/30/2015, 22:06