1/ Some Personal News
TechCrunch » Alexia Tsotsis - Staff Archive 2018-04-11
1/ Some personal news …
2/ I will be leaving TechCrunch because I’ve been cast to play a supporting role in “Tweetstorm The Movie 3/ .”
Just kidding. Okay, I am stepping down as co-editor of TechCrunch, but not due to the allure of Hollywood or whatever is going on with Verizon. Instead, I will be fulfilling my completely rational, lifelong dream of going to business school.
After weighing all my iconoclastic mid-life options, I thought getting a Master’s degree could be the most rebellious thing I could possibly do at this stage, so I’m doing it. And probably, simultaneously, working on my own thing like everybody else I know.
It’s been an honor to work here the past five years, and spend the past three leading and growing the TechCrunch team. I feel like I’ve learned a lot more from TechCrunch than it’s learned from me, and for that I will always be grateful.
Thank you all for supporting me and helping me become a better leader, writer and person. I may never have another job I’ll love as much as this one, but I need to click on to the next gallery slide of my life …
However, I’d like to be involved with this fantastic blog as much as Verizon Aol Matthew will let me. I will always be a resource, collaborator and friend to our readers and those in the community who have given me their wisdom and trust but most of all a chance: Especially Mike Arrington, Heather Harde, Eric Eldon, Leena Rao, Susan Lyne, Jay Kirsch, Fara Warner, Susan Hobbs, Kara Swisher, Ned Desmond, Tim Armstrong, Ryan Block, Om Malik, Luke Beatty and my current co-editor Matthew Panzarino.
And speaking of Hollywood, we have a running internal thread here at TC, going on since 2013, on who would play whom in “TechCrunch: The Movie.” You’re not a real TechCruncher unless you’ve seen the thread resurface three times.
The best thing about this over-200-post-long thread is that it was actually inspired by a listicle written by BuzzFeed’s Matthew Lynley, titled “11 Actors Who Should Star In A Movie About Twitter.” Lynley is now at TechCrunch.
The second-best thing is that I kept promising to write a post about “TechCrunch: The Movie” and never got around to it.
So here goes: Below are our completely non-comprehensive, editorial-heavy picks for actors in “TechCrunch: The Movie.” There are dupes and omissions.
If we, for some reason, didn’t include a good one or you’re a new TechCrunch staffer reading this ten years into the future, please include your suggestions (or yourself) in the comments.
As the future of TC is To Be Continued, there will be many new roles to fill.