Luminos press release 10-13-2015 - Luminos_press_release_101315.pdf

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-10-15


"Today, we are happy to announce the culmination of the launch phase of an important new concept in monograph publishing, with the first five s cholarly monographs open to the world, many more titles to come, and the first of our inaugural Luminos Member Libraries ready to support the transformation of monograph publishing . “ As an author writing about mass violence in the global south, I was intr igued by the option of making my insights available to broad publics, including in countries where, for a variety of reasons, paper copies cannot be as easily ordered as in Europe or North America , ” notes Joachim Savelsberg , author of the new Lu minos title Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human Rights Violations in Darfur . Authors have been eager to publish in the Luminos program not only because it guarantees the same standards of exc ellence as all of UC Press’s programs, but also because of the opportunity to bring their work to the larger, global audiences that open access provides."

See the full article discussing the OA publication process.


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Date tagged:

10/15/2015, 14:00

Date published:

10/15/2015, 10:00