Skidmore College joins OLH LPS model | Open Library of Humanities
page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-10-21
This article discusses why Skidmore College decided to join Open Library of Humanities.
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"The OLH is an academic-led, gold open-access publisher with no author-facing charges. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the platform covers its costs by payments from an international library consortium, rather than any kind of author fee. Marta Brunner, Skidmore’s librarian, said that the goal of the OLH is to expand the reach of humanities scholarship throughout the world by creating a sustainable, high-quality publishing platform for humanities scholarship. “Economic pressures in scholarly publishing have made it harder for college libraries like ours to maintain journal subscriptions and have put a particular squeeze on publishing opportunities in less conventionally ‘profitable’ or ‘practical’ fields within the humanities,” explained Brunner."