PASTEUR4OA Briefing Paper: Open Access to Research Data - PASTEUR4OA Briefing Paper_FINAL_0.pdf
page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-11-19
PASTEUR4OA Briefing Paper: Open Access to Research Data
Authors : Marieke Guy and Lieke Ploeger (OKF)
Reviewers: Eloy Rodrigues (UMinho) , Victoria Tsoukala (EKT)
and Mafalda Picarra (Jisc) November 2015
"Open Access to research data is fast becomin g recognis ed as complementary to Open Access to research publications, both key components of Open Science 1 . This briefing paper provides an overview of the current situation with regards to Open Access to research data. It considers the benefits and cha llenges of opening up research data with a particular focus on current funder and institutional policy developments in Europe and further afield. The PASTEUR4OA project targets the development and reinforcement of Open Access strategies and policies for research publications , while encouraging the development of such policies for research data as well. In these related areas there are many complementary approaches that can be taken . T his paper explores both areas and shares resources and initiatives for further study."
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