Announcing the launch of Matters, a next-generation science journal, to publish single observations

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-12-03


View the release statement about Matters, a new crowd-sourced OA journal which focuses on observations. With a different type of funding model that pays peer-reviewers, the journal will submit all published works on behalf of the author to PubMed.

"Sciencematters is delighted to announce the launch of Matters, a new, open-access journal series dedicated to publishing single observations. We at Matters know that the observation is the fundamental unit of science. However, the current science publishing industry demands that scientists publish stories, not observations. Matters is different. Matters accepts, edits, reviews, scores, and publishes single observations. Matters uses a triple-blind peer review process, allowing each observation to be evaluated on its merits, without regard to where the authors are from, where they work, or who they know. Each scientific observation is evaluated quickly by two experts who provide reviews and scores (0-10) that reflect the scientific quality, innovation and potential impact of the observation. Each observation is published immediately upon review, provided that it meets the minimum standard of being scientifically and ethically sound (score of 4 or better)."

View the full article and website for further details.


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Date tagged:

12/03/2015, 12:34

Date published:

12/03/2015, 07:34