NSW Office of Environment and Heritage switches to open data - CIO

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-12-03


The Office of Environment and Heritage has decided to transform and improve its data into open data- and complicated process for an old institution. Read more below.



"...With more than 13 million records since the 1770s, the OEH recognised that its data was tied up in too many disparate systems resulting in limited and difficult access from external stakeholders. The agency set out to improve the way they provide data as a service by utilising OData (the Open Data protocol). Users now have a more reliable real-time system, whereas they previously had to go through traditional data requests and manual downloads to keep up-to-date. OEH partnered with Microsoft for the technology to implement the OData open data protocol (a standard managed by OASIS)...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » page.amanda


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Date tagged:

12/03/2015, 13:03

Date published:

12/03/2015, 08:03