Open Data : Moving science forward or a waste of time and money? Reporting on the debate โ€” Department of Genetics

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-12-03


View the video or read more information about a panel on Open Data-the Benefits on 4 November in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

Read abstract below:

"Rafael Carazo Salas was one of the five panel members. When the fundamental question was asked - 'What are the benefits of Open Data?' - Rafael was able to counter with the argument, 'What aren'tthe benefits?' Data sharing is important for research integrity and reproducibility, and for ensuring better quality of science. The original data can be used by other scientists to take research forward into many potential directions.> Rafael stated that the biggest bottleneck in progress was to bridge the gap between the capacity to generate the data, and the capacity to make it useful. To this end, he recently received a Big Data Award to build an image data repository, as part of the BBSRC investigation into ways to deal with big data challenges in the biosciences."


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Tags: oa.benefits oa.respositories_data oa.reproducibility oa.quality oa.awards oa.biology oa.repositories

Date tagged:

12/03/2015, 13:11

Date published:

12/03/2015, 08:11