CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 10 9 , NO. 11 , 10 DECEMBER 2015 Open access disciplinary repository in S&T: a potentiality study for SAARC countries by Patra, Chandana
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CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 10 9 , NO. 11 , 10 DECEMBER 201 5 2077
Chandana Patra is in the CSIR - C entral Glass and Ceramic Research I n stitute, 196 Raja S C Mullick Road, Kolkata 700 032 ,
India . e - mail:
Open a ccess d isciplinary r epository in S&T: a potentiality study for SAARC countries
Chandana Patra
Most of the SAARC countries are unable to subscribe to high - priced research publications. Open a ccess d isciplinary r epositories could provide them access to latest research results of any disc i- pline. The objective s of this study are to find out the potentiality/possibility of developing o pen a c cess d isciplinary r epositories for SAARC countries and provide suggestions for development of the same. Data were collected through a web search and the n analy s ed. The article first discusses the current status of open access in the SAARC countries. Then, it presents a brief statistics of research output of the SAARC countries as found in Web of Science along with t he collaboration pattern amongst SAARC countries. It also presents research output from these countries in terms of patent s granted as found in the WIPO web site. The study reveals that it is possible to develop d i s ciplinary r epositories for SAARC countrie s as sufficient material is available with them. Keywords: Disciplinary r epos i tory, o pen a ccess, potentiality study, SAARC countries