Open Access Laboratory - Pre-launch | Nottingham Post

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-12-17


"Open Access Laboratory -

December 15, 2015 Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 

Waters and Manchester Science Partnerships establish Open Access Laboratory

You are invited to the Open Access Laboratory Pre-Launch Event. You will be the first to view the state-of-the-art equipment available, tour the lab, and meet the team. The laboratory will house a selection of Waters’ latest technology, including ACQUITY QDa™,ACQUITY H-Class™, ACQUITY UPC2™ and ACQUITY PDA Detector™. Along with a Bruker 500 Mhz NMR spectrometer. The laboratory will be managed by a highly qualified and experienced scientist, who will be based on-site to support day to day management of the laboratory, provide training and consultation on analytical challenges and to help drive forward the science being undertaken at Alderley Park. The Open Access Laboratory will complement the cutting edge research facilities available at Alderley Park. We hope that you can join us. "


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12/17/2015, 11:27

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12/17/2015, 03:46