Copyright and patent laws of the United States, 1790 to 1868 [electronic resource] : with notes of judicial decisions thereunder and forms and indexes / by Stephen D. Law
Copyright Law 2013-04-09
The law of patents, trade-marks and copy-rights [electronic resource] : consisting of the sections of the Revised statutes of the United States, with notes under each section, referring to the decisions of the courts and the Commissioner of Patents, together with the rules of the Patent Office and a selection of forms / by Orlando F. Bump*en-US
Digest of American cases relating to patents for inventions and copyrights from 1789 to 1862 [electronic resource] : including numerous manuscript cases, decisions on appeals from the commissioners of patents and the opinions of the attorneys general of the United States under the patent and copyright laws, and embracing also the American cases in respect to trade-marks : arranged in chronological order with the year in which and the name of the judge by whom decided / by Stephen D. Law*en-US
American copyright law [electronic resource] : with especial reference to the present United States Copyright Act, with appendices containing forms from adjudicated cases, and the copyright laws of England, Canada, Australia, Germany, and France / by Arthur W. Weil*en-US
American copyright law [electronic resource] : with especial reference to the present United States copyright act, with appendices containing forms from adjudicated cases, and the copyright laws of England, Canada, Australia, Germany, and France/ by Arthur W. Weil*en-US
Copyright cases [electronic resource] : a summary of leading American decisions on the law of copyright and on literary property, from 1891 to 1903 : together with the text of the United States copyright statute, and a selection of recent copyright decisions of the courts of Great Britain and Canada / compiled by Arthur S. Hamlin*en-US
Copyright enactments, 1783-1900 [electronic resource] : comprising the copyright resolution of the Colonial Congress, 1783; the copyright laws of the original states, 1783-1786; the constitutional provision concerning copyright legislation, and the public and private copyright laws enacted by congress from 1790 to 1900; together with the presidential proclamations regarding international copyright / compiled by Thorvald Solberg*en-US
The law of patents, trade-marks, labels and copy-rights : consisting of the sections of the Revised statutes of the United States, with notes under each section, referring to the decisions of the courts and the Commissioner of Patents, together with the rules of the Patent Office relating to patents, trade-marks and labels, with a selection of forms, also a table of cases cited and a table of patents construed / by Orlando F. Bump*en-US
The law of copyright in designs [electronic resource] : together with the practice relating to proceedings in the courts and in the Comptroller's Office, the Patents and Designs Act, 1907, and the Repealed Acts, 1883-1888, compared, the statutory rules and forms, and the International Convention : with notes and a full appendix of statutes, forms and precedents, with illustrations / by Lewis Edmunds and Herbert Bentwich*en-US
The constitution of Oklahoma [electronic resource] : with copious notes referring to and digesting decisions construing and applying identical and similar provisions of the constitutions and statutes of other states and of the United States / by Henry G. Snyder*en-US