Enhanced programme maps

JISC Curriculum Design & Delivery 2013-04-12

Part of the programme support role for CETIS is to record and monitor the use and development of technologies across the programmes. This information is primarily stored in our PROD database, and then I contextualise the data primarily through blog posts like this one.

We now have an openly available linked data store of our PROD data, which means we can mash up data from with data for other sources. (See this post for more information). An example of this is that we now have integrated geo-locations for every institution in the UK in the triple store, allowing us to create enhanced google maps. As an illustration of this I’ve created maps for both the Design and Delivery programmes. Clicking on the screenshots below will take you to the interactive version of each map which includes a link to each projects PROD entry and Design Studio page.

Design Projects

Delivery Projects

More information how the maps were made is available here.