Curriculum design with OERs – OU announces MOOC

JISC Curriculum Design & Delivery 2016-03-22

Building on the work of the JISC OULDI project, the Open University will be leading a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the theme of curriculum design with OERs (open educational resources) (see announcement). This will run from September to December 2012 and will be valuable for anyone seeking to develop their professional skills and experience in curriculum design, learning design and use of OERs in education. In particular the course will appeal to new and established HE and FE lecturers, to those completing professional certificates in teaching, and to researchers and managers of teaching and learning innovation.

Eight core themes will provide the focus for weekly activities, speaker presentations, discussions and postings of useful resources and tools. It will give access to, and the opportunity to learn from, successful UK JISC and HEA projects in addition to some of the best of European initiatives. The resulting aggregate resource will remain online for future use.

Further details regarding how to get involved, start dates, and core themes will be announced during the summer. In the meantime, please register your interest here: The Curriculum Design MOOC will be funded by JISC and the Open University and supported by the OULDI project, Learning Design Grid and other partner organisations, including the University of Greenwich.