Yoga Is Finally Facing Consent and Unwanted Touch - The New York Times

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-16


"Rachel Brathen had no idea of the deluge headed her way when she asked her Instagram followers if they ever had experienced touch that felt inappropriate in yoga.

This was nearly two years ago. Ms. Brathen, 31 and a yoga studio owner in Aruba, heard from hundreds.

The letters described a constellation of abuses of power and influence, including being propositioned after class and on yoga retreats, forcibly kissed during private meditation sessions and assaulted on post-yoga massage tables.

The complaints also included being touched in ways that felt improper during yoga classes — essentially right in public....

Other professionals whose work can involve touching people, such as massage therapists, are usually regulated by the government. Yoga teachers are not, and there are no industry trade groups that police these issues...."


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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

11/16/2019, 15:09

Date published:

11/16/2019, 10:10