Sexual ethics are about more than consent

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-12-14


"The current cultural sexual norms have the same failings as Haidt’s hypothetical brother and sister scenario. They exclude any notion of harm if consent is present, even in the case of consensual incest. They are framed to make strictly optional any idea that sex should happen in a context of caring and wanting what will help each other to flourish. 

These cultural norms are utterly inadequate. Consent is an absolutely necessary ethical minimum, but it is not the whole of sexual ethics. The business model of sites such as OnlyFans, which is essentially young women making and selling videos for men to masturbate to, is creepy and wrong, too. It is a shame that it takes a video of a naked three-year-old before people feel free to object."


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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


sex consent consent.age children legal_moralism harm huco

Date tagged:

12/14/2020, 09:51

Date published:

12/14/2020, 04:51