Enough With the Scare Tactics - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-12-18


"Polygamy raises a number of public-policy concerns that same-sex marriage does not. That said, the gay-rights movement has bolstered the polygamist-rights movement in one key way: by insisting that finding a practice weird or icky or religiously anathema is not sufficient reason to make it illegal. While I’m skeptical about extending state recognition to plural marriages, a free society has no more business outlawing “cohabitation” — as the Utah law did — than it has outlawing consensual romantic relationships. Instead of fearmongering, it’s time we debate polygamy on the merits."



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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

12/18/2013, 20:19

Date published:

12/18/2013, 15:19