Sperm donation boomed during the pandemic. Is that a feminist victory? | The Week

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-12-24


An argument that "All told, artificial means of becoming parents seem to be upholding, rather than dismantling, a gendered division of aggregate reproductive labor."

What's notable for my purposes is that the author never touches on consent. Women who use donated sperm almost always do so with consent. Women who use artificial insemination without expecting any involvement of the father in raising the child almost always do so with consent. Or at least we could consider the cases in which women do consent, without making assumptions about whether they are in the majority or minoriy. The consent of the women involved would not avert the negative consequences identified by the author. But it would affect the overall strength and complexity of any argument against sperm donation and artificial insemination. 



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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


sex harm consent

Date tagged:

12/24/2021, 09:20

Date published:

12/24/2021, 04:20