[paying workers with learning disabilities less than the minimum wage]

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-03-16


Reddit thread on question, "Should people with learning disabilities be allowed to work for less than the minimum wage" — or, "Should employers be allowed to exploit some of society's most vulnerable people?"

PS: Many questions:

--Do any employers justify this by appeal to employee consent?

--Do these employees do less than min-wage workers do? 

--If this practice were prohibited, would employers do without the same number of employees, or hire some number of better paid employees?

--Does the min wage statute permit this? If so, how does it describe this "exception"? What's the legislative history on that? What was the rationale?



From feeds:

Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks
Le Test Hub » reddit: the front page of the internet


paternalism harm exploitation competence antiwork



Date tagged:

03/16/2023, 11:42

Date published:

03/16/2023, 09:21