Trump Diary 9: Black Blocs and U-locks

Waggish 2017-06-22


In the previous diary I wrote about the pseudonormalization of Trump over the last month. What I gave was only half of the story.  I didn’t explore the sheer significance of the administration’s marginalization of Steve Bannon. Bannon’s demotion and marginalization is indeed a key part of what allows the pseudonormalization of Trump. But the reasons […]Related posts:
  1. Trump Diary 1: January 23, 2017
  2. Trump Diary 2: January 24, 2017
  3. Trump Diary 3: January 28, 2017


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#edutech » David Auerbach



David Auerbach

Date tagged:

06/22/2017, 18:27

Date published:

04/27/2017, 17:42