Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money: 3. Money in the Sequence of Purposes

Waggish 2017-09-09


To review: in the first two chapters, Simmel established money’s capacities to (a) make incommensurable systems of values commensurable, and (b) dissolve meaning through a process of universalizing abstraction. He reviews the Kantian analysis of the second chapter: What one might term the tragedy of human concept formation lies in the fact that the higher concept, […]Related posts:
  1. Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money: An Introduction
  2. Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money: 5. The Money Equivalent of Personal Values
  3. Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money: 2. The Value of Money as a Substance


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David Auerbach

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09/09/2017, 15:21

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10/16/2014, 02:11