David Auerbach’s Books of the Year 2017

Waggish 2017-12-22

While the world went mad this year, I retreated a bit and did more reading than I had in some time. I have seen the pendulum of public sentiment cycle from complacency to hysteria and back twice now, and I am more fatalistic than ever about such cycles having to take their course. (My description of Thomas Pynchon’s “decoherence events” applies just as well to the Trump presidency as it does to September 11, 2001.) Being part of the collective public discourse this year was unhealthier than in any time I have ever seen.

I believe all the titles below deserve attention. The top books have been chosen based on personal significance and relevance. Appiah’s As If is a plea for a cosmopolitan pluralism (of provisional viewpoints, not of truths) based on a reading of the great Hans Vaihinger. It is a theoretical work that has far more relevance to technology than it first appears, as I try to explain in my forthcoming Bitwise: A Life in Code. Földényi’s Melancholy is a Burton-inspired chronicle that bests a thousand other intellectual histories of its kind. It spoke to me of what it is to be the sort of person who feels the need and drive to read all these books in the first place, and of the intangible benefits I gain from them. And the purportedly final version of Tom Phillips’ A Humument is a thing of beauty, drastically different from its previous editions in many regards, and one of the deepest texts of our time, fifty years after its first publication.

The greatest novel I read this year was Thomas Pynchon’s Mason & Dixon, the right novel for the right moment, but not one published in 2017.

In an attempt to provide a bit more apparent order, I have created a few subcategories for nonfiction. These are quite approximate; some books could have easily gone under a different heading. They are there to break the lists down into more manageable chunks.

When it comes to books, my eyes are bigger than my…eyes. Books under “Of Interest” are there either because (1) they are too out of my areas of knowledge for me to feel comfortable recommending them, (2) I have sufficient reservations about their content but feel they are too significant to ignore, or (3) I just haven’t read enough of them. I would feel terrible not noting Slezkine’s The House of Government, but I did not have time to read most of its 1100 pages.

Be well, read much, take care.


As If: Idealization and Ideals Kwame Anthony Appiah Harvard University Press

Melancholy (The Margellos World Republic of Letters) László F. Földényi (Foldenyi) Yale University Press

A Humument: A Treated Victorian Novel (Sixth) Tom Phillips Thames & Hudson



Into the Cyclorama Annie Kim Southern Indiana Review Press

Symphony for Human Transport Lisa Samuels Shearsman Books

Homesick for Another World: Stories Ottessa Moshfegh Penguin Press

The World Goes On László Krasznahorkai New Directions

The Manhattan Project László Krasznahorkai Sylph Editions

So Much Blue: A Novel Percival Everett Graywolf Press

Beasts Head for Home: A Novel (Weatherhead Books on Asia) Kōbō Abe Columbia University Press

Blackass: A Novel A. Igoni Barrett Graywolf Press

The Essential Fictions Isaac Babel Northwestern University Press

Gap Gardening: Selected Poems Rosmarie Waldrop New Directions

Judgment: A Novel (Northwestern World Classics) David Bergelson, Sasha Senderovich, Harriet Murav Northwestern University Press

Newcomers: Book One Lojze Kovacic Archipelago

Sisters of the Cross (Russian Library) Alexei Remizov Columbia University Press

Frontier Can Xue Open Letter

The Construction of the Tower of Babel Juan Benet Wakefield Press

The War Nerd Iliad Feral House

Go, Went, Gone Jenny Erpenbeck New Directions

The Collected Poems of Li He (Calligrams) Li He New York Review Books

Chinese Poetic Writing (Calligrams) Francois Cheng New York Review Books

The Book of Disquiet: The Complete Edition Fernando Pessoa New Directions



Melancholic Habits: Burton’s Anatomy & the Mind Sciences Jennifer Radden Oxford University Press

Dystopia: A Natural History Gregory Claeys Oxford University Press

The Rift in The Lute: Attuning Poetry and Philosophy Maximilian de Gaynesford Oxford University Press

David Jones: Engraver, Soldier, Painter, Poet Thomas Dilworth Jonathan Cape Ltd

The Messages We Send: Social Signals and Storytelling G. R. F. Ferrari Oxford University Press

The Mind of the Book: Pictorial Title-Pages Alastair Fowler Oxford University Press

Changing the Subject: Philosophy from Socrates to Adorno Raymond Geuss Harvard University Press

The Epic Distilled: Studies in the Composition of the Aeneid Nicholas Horsfall Oxford University Press

I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again Beatrice Longuenesse Oxford University Press

Art and Myth of the Ancient Maya Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos Yale University Press

The Subject of Experience Galen Strawson OUP Oxford



Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst Robert M. Sapolsky Penguin Press

After Digital: Computation as Done by Brains and Machines James A. Anderson Oxford University Press

The Lazy Universe: An Introduction to the Principle of Least Action Jennifer Coopersmith Oxford University Press



The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class Elizabeth Currid-Halkett Princeton University Press

Marx’s Inferno: The Political Theory of Capital William Clare Roberts Princeton University Press

A Brief History of Economic Thought Alessandro Roncaglia Cambridge University Press

Paths to Fulfillment: Women’s Search for Meaning and Identity Ruthellen Josselson Oxford University Press

The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead University of Chicago Press

The Enigma of Reason Hugo Mercier, Dan Sperber Harvard University Press

Shame: A Brief History (History of Emotions) Peter N. Stearns University of Illinois Press

The Truth about Language: What It Is and Where It Came From Michael C. Corballis University Of Chicago Press



Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A. Danielle S. Allen Liveright

The Water Kingdom PHILIP BALL Vintage

The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America Frances FitzGerald Simon & Schuster

A History of Judaism Martin Goodman Penguin Press

One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps Andrea Pitzer Little, Brown and Company

The Habsburg Empire Pieter M. Judson Harvard University Press

The Transformation of American Liberalism George Klosko Oxford University Press

Politics in the Roman Republic (Key Themes in Ancient History) Henrik Mouritsen Cambridge University Press

Sold People: Traffickers and Family Life in North China Johanna S. Ransmeier Harvard University Press

Classical Greek Oligarchy: A Political History Matthew Simonton Princeton University Press

The Cold War: A World History Odd Arne Westad Basic Books



Poppies of Iraq Brigitte Findakly, Lewis Trondheim Drawn and Quarterly

Satania Fabien Vehlmann NBM Publishing

It Don’t Come Easy Philippe Dupuy, Charles Berberian Drawn and Quarterly

The Green Hand and Other Stories Nicole Claveloux New York Review Comics

Voices in the Dark Ulli Lust New York Review Comics

My Favorite Thing Is Monsters Emil Ferris Fantagraphics

Beanworld Volume 4: Hoka Hoka Burb’l Burb’l Larry Marder Dark Horse Books

The Interview Manuele Fior Fantagraphics

Yvain: The Knight of the Lion M.T. Anderson Candlewick

Demon (4 Book Series) Jason Shiga

Olympians: Artemis: Wild Goddess of the Hunt George O’Connor First Second

The Customer is Always Wrong Mimi Pond Drawn and Quarterly



Herder’s Hermeneutics: History, Poetry, Enlightenment Kristin Gjesdal Cambridge University Press

Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy Jonathan Haskel, Stian Westlake Princeton University Press

The Quantum Revolution in Philosophy Richard Healey Oxford University Press

Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941 Stephen Kotkin Penguin Press

Pompey, Cato, and the Governance of the Roman Empire Kit Morrell Oxford University Press

The House of Government: A Saga of the Russian Revolution Yuri Slezkine Princeton University Press

No Future: Punk, Politics and British Youth Culture, 1976-1984 Matthew Worley Cambridge University Press

Related posts:

  1. David Auerbach’s Books of the Year 2015
  2. David Auerbach’s Books of the Year 2016
  3. Books of the Year 2013