Online Teaching Conference (#CCCOTC15) Keynote

e-Literate 2015-08-18

Back in June I had the pleasure of giving the keynote at the Online Teaching Conference (#CCCOTC15) in San Diego, put on by the California Community College system. There was quite a bit of valuable backchannel discussions as well as sharing of the slides. The theme of the talk was:

Emerging Trends in Online / Hybrid Education and Implications for Faculty

As online and hybrid education enter the third decade, there are significant efforts to move beyond the virtualization of traditional face-to-face classroom and move more towards learner-centric approaches. This shift has the potential to change the discussion of whether online and hybrid approaches “can be as good as” traditional approaches to a discussion of how online and hybrid approaches “can provide better learning opportunities”.

For those who would like to see the keynote, I am including the video and slides below. Pat James’ introduction starts at 05:50, and my keynote starts at 09:15.

And my apologies for fumbling on the slide / website / video switches. I was not prepared for the mandatory usage of a PC instead of Mac.

Some key sections that seemed to resonate during the talk:

Historical Context and Unbundling (~13:15)

Hill Slides OTC 20150619 unbundling 1 Hill Slides OTC 20150619 unbundling 2

Differentiated Instruction Including Laura Gibbs Example Course (~32:00)

Hill Slides OTC 20150619 LG MF

LMS as Minivan of Education (~47:39)

Hill Slides OTC 20150619 minivan

Necessity to Support Both Sides of Chasm in Education (~51:45)

Hill Slides OTC 20150619 straddling

Full Slide Deck:

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