New Post at WCET: Update on California Online Initiatives
e-Literate 2013-08-01
I have a new post up at WCET with updates on the California Online Initiatives driven by state government, including today’s news that SB520 is on hold.
The big news today is that the controversial bill seeking to allow for-credit partially-outsourced online education in California has been put on hold until at least 2014. [snip]
On the surface, it appears that higher education insiders might have defeated state government efforts to take a leading role in online initiatives. SB520 is on hold and possibly dead, and most conditions on the additional funding have been removed.
If you look under the surface, however, the outcome is not as clear. It turns out that the systems are in fact changing their priorities and investing in online to help matriculated students complete degrees at a lower cost, which was the original goal of state government leaders.
There’s more information there, including news on the University of California’s and California State University’s two new online initiatives.
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