Next Blursday Social: Campus Pandemic Diaries with Jeff Young
e-Literate 2020-10-07
First, as a reminder, we’ll be kicking off our weekly e-Literate LIVE! Blursday Social event tomorrow at 4 PM ET. Our guest will be Andrew Owen, Head of Community at Run the World, the social web conferencing platform we’ll be using for our events. You can sign up for it here.
Next Thursday’s guest will be Jeff Young, Senior Editor at EdSurge. His Pandemic Campus Podcast Series is a must-listen. Because things are changing so rapidly, I’m going to be doing a periodic series of conversations with people who talk to lots of other people. Jeff is the first. He’s one of the best reporters covering higher education and really has his ear to the ground. We’ll chat a bit about what he’s seeing, and then we’ll all talk about what you’re seeing.
Jeff Young, Senior Editor at EdSurgeRemember, Blursday Socials are much more conversation and participation than broadcast. Think of it as being like trivia night at your favorite bar. There will be some organized activity, but a lot of it will be just connecting with friends. Some folks will be regulars, others will be semi-regulars, and still others will drop in occasionally. They start every Thursday at 4 PM Eastern Time. The bar closes at 5:30, but I expect many people will log off at 5. in future sessions, we will eventually use the networking time to do more formal problem-solving discussions and reconvene in the last half hour to brainstorm together.
The dress code is casual; BYOB.
I recommend that you also subscribe to the iCal feed, which you can do by going to this page and clicking on the “iCal Feed” button on the bottom. I have events tentatively lined up for the handful of weeks, which I will populate to the calendar as they are finalized.
Jeff’s session is next Thursday, October 15th at 4 PM ET. RSVP here.
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