Reminder: This Week’s Blursday Social with Phil Hill
e-Literate 2020-11-11

Gang, don’t forget that this week’s Blursday Social guest is Phil Hill. Blursday Socials are conversational, so we’ll all talk about whatever the folks who show up want to talk about. But here are a few topics on my mind for a conversation with Phil:
- Curricular materials trends: Phil recently updated his cost analysis of curricular materials. But there’s some weirdness in the numbers due to the convoluted way in which publishers bundle products. I’d like to tease out what we know about adoption rates and pricing of courseware and digital homework products.
- Online education trends during COVID: Phil has been tracking the enrollment numbers that we have so far and sifting through them to find trends among types of institutions, types of programs, etc. I’d like to get his latest take on what we do and don’t know, as well as what numbers he’s watching for.
- The resurrection of Blackboard…? While I care a lot less about LMS market share these days, I am interested in why different companies are doing better or worse and what that tells us about what campuses value in their LMS and LMS vendor these days. Phil recently wrote about a big win in the US for Blackboard. I want to know more.
But most of all, I want to catch up with my old friend in the company of other friends, probably with a beverage in-hand. You should come. It’s fun.
Remember, Blursday Socials are much more conversation and participation than broadcast. Think of it as being like trivia night at your favorite bar. There will be some organized activity, but a lot of it will be just connecting with friends. Some folks will be regulars, others will be semi-regulars, and still others will drop in occasionally. They start every Thursday at 4 PM Eastern Time. The bar closes at 5:30.
The dress code is casual; BYOB.
I recommend that you also subscribe to the iCal feed, which you can do by going to this page and clicking on the “iCal Feed” button on the bottom. I have events tentatively lined up for the handful of weeks, which I will populate to the calendar as they are finalized.
Phil Hill’s session is Thursday, November 12th at 4 PM ET. RSVP here.
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