Blursday Socials: Sasha Thackaberry, Paxton Riter, and Emily Foote
e-Literate 2021-11-11
We’re keeping a somewhat irregular summer schedule on Blursday Socials to allow for the customary socially distanced games of Marco Polo as people rush out of their COVID caves and into the world at large. But that doesn’t mean we’re stopping!
We have three great guests coming up:
- 7/15: Sasha Thackaberry, LSU’s VP of Online and Continuing Education: Prior to LSU, Sasha worked at SNHU and at Cuyahoga Community Colleges. So she has a range of perspective that is rare. She’s also hilarious, so make sure you’re not drinking while she’s talking unless you want liquid up your nose. RSVP.
- 7/22: Paxton Riter, CEO of iDesign: After growing up in the OPM world, Paxton has been running one of most widely recognized names in post-OPM, design-led fee-for-service companies. I’m interested in his take on how things are shaping up post-pandemic. And also in what he’ll be drinking. RSVP.
- 7/29: Emily Foote, Principal at Osage Venture Partners: I met Emily shortly after she sold her wonderful EdTech company Practice to Instructure. It was at least a three-beer conversation (and I’m a slow drinker). Now an EdTech investor, Emily brings the passion of an educator and the experience of an entrepreneur to her new(ish) gig. I’m curious to get a sense of how she’s processing what she’s learning given her broad experience. RSVP.
I always try to invite guests that I would seek out to have a drink with at a conference (as opposed to those I would run away from or grudgingly endure). These three folks are all on my shortlist of the good ones.
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