Upcoming Blursday Sessions

e-Literate 2022-05-23

We’re starting to crank up the Blursday schedule with some great guests. The next three are spectacular and I have more in the pipeline.

Here are the first few:

  • Thursday, May 26th 4 PM – 5:30 PM EST: Instructure’s Chief Experience Officer Melissa Loble. Melissa is a sharp observer of all things EdTech and a fun person to talk to. She knows both the ed and the tech parts. (RSVP)
  • Thursday, June 2nd 4 PM – 5:30 PM EST: UMGC’s President Greg Fowler. Greg is the kind of thoughtful, people-oriented, and forward-thinking university presidents that you wish there were more of. Having worked for a long time at SNHU, he’s now moved on to lead the (very different) University of Maryland Global Campus. (RSVP)
  • Thursday, June 9th 4 PM – 5:30 PM EST: Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Timothy E. Wirth’s Professor in Learning Technologies Chris Dede When I first met Chris on an advisory board for Macmillan, we both said, “How is it that we haven’t met before?” That’s the spirit of EEP and Blursdays: to meet people you don’t know but should. Chris is a superstar in EdTech-related research (among other things) and is an incredibly nice guy. (RSVP)

More guests are on the way! Come join Blursdays, have some fun, and maybe learn something useful.

As usual, BYOB.

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