OMB Issues First Governmentwide AI Risk Mitigation Rules

beSpacific 2024-03-28

Gov Info Security: “A memo from the Office of Management and Budget requires agencies to designate chief AI officers and establish AI governance boards to coordinate and govern the use of the emerging technology across the organization. Agencies should also add more detail to annual reports about which AI tools they use and release government-owned AI code. “Agencies must improve their ability to use AI in ways that benefit the public and increase mission effectiveness, while recognizing the limitations and risks of AI,” the memo says. “Agencies are encouraged to prioritize AI development and adoption for the public good and where the technology can be helpful in understanding and tackling large societal challenges.” The 34-page memorandum was released as the administration announced that federal agencies successfully completed all of the 150-day actions included in President Joe Biden’s October executive order on AI. If an agency is unable to comply with the latest guidance, it is required to cease using the AI system – unless agency leadership can show that doing so would create an unacceptable disruption of critical operations…”

OMB Fact Sheet: Vice President Harris Announces OMB Policy to Advance Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management in Federal Agencies’ Use of Artificial Intelligence