Get Around Town More Easily – Consumer Reports

beSpacific 2024-04-19

Whether you’re grabbing some groceries or biking across town, we have the tips and tools to take you there “Want to make it easier to carry your goodies home from the bakery up the hill? Walk to the coffee bar a few blocks away? Or wait in line with a package on a busy day at the post office? The right gear can make all of this much more comfortable as well as safer. There’s a growing number of well-designed, well-priced tools out there to help. These include personal shopping carts that are easy to maneuver, even when full of groceries. Rollators with sturdy seats so that you can take a brief break while on a walk. E-bikes that make going uphill a breeze. Here, from CR’s tests and outside experts, is a rundown on what’s new and useful to help you get where you want to go, on foot or by bicycle.” [h/t Pete Weiss]