NIST Evaluating Generative AI Technologies

beSpacific 2024-04-29

NIST GenAI is a new evaluation program administered by the NIST Information Technology Laboratory to assess generative AI technologies developed by the research community from around the world. NIST GenAI is an umbrella program that supports various evaluations for research in Generative AI by providing a platform for Test and Evaluation. These evaluations will inform the work of the U.S. AI Safety Institute at NIST. The objectives of the NIST GenAI evaluation include but are not limited to:

  • Evolving benchmark dataset creation,
  • Facilitating the development of content authenticity detection technologies for different modalities (text, audio, image, video, code),
  • Conducting a comparative analysis using relevant metrics, and
  • Promoting the development of technologies for identifying the source of fake or misleading information.”