At a Tipping Point: Education, Learning and Libraries

beSpacific 2014-06-29

“OCLC Market Research teams have been studying the habits and perceptions of information consumers for a decade. In this latest report to the OCLC membership, At a Tipping Point: Education, Learning and Libraries, OCLC explores the information consumer’s behaviors, beliefs and expectations for online learning. Fueled by mobile devices, new learning platforms and economic incentives, learners are trying and achieving success with new learning models. The information consumer has become an online education consumer. The study aims to provide librarians with important information about the trends and triggers that are reshaping education—and the opportunities and challenges this shift brings to libraries. The report explores:

  • Habits and perceptions of online learners
  • Expectations for the future of online learning
  • Top-of-mind perceptions of a college education
  • Factors influencing the college choice
  • Library use by online learners—on campus and online
  • MOOCs—a massively interesting case study on the future of education
  • The library brand
  • Implications and opportunities for academic and public libraries”