About the Insurrection Act

beSpacific 2024-07-26

Brennan Center ā€“ Via Reddit ā€“ ā€œIā€™m Joseph Nunn, counsel in the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice. Ask me anything about reforming the Insurrection Act, an outdated law that gives the president near limitless power to use the U.S. military as a domestic police force. The Insurrection Act is the most dangerous law in the United States. It gives the president nearly limitless discretion to use the U.S. military as a domestic police force, and it contains no meaningful safeguards against abuse. Congress, which has not updated the law in 150 years, urgently needs to clarify and limit when the president may invoke the Insurrection Act, restrict what the military can do once deployed under this powerful authority, and create mechanisms that will allow Congress and the courts to intervene to stop abuse. Join Elizabeth Goitein, Hawa Allan, Jack L. Goldsmith, and Joseph Nunn on. Took place on July 25. Read the Q&A