New EDGAR advanced search gives you access to the full text of electronic filings since 2001

beSpacific 2024-12-06

  • What is Full-Text Search? Full-Text Search will allow you to search the full text of all EDGAR filings submitted electronically since 2001. The full text of a filing includes all data in the filing itself as well as all attachments (such as exhibits) to the filing.
  • What kinds of searches can I do on Full-Text Search? You can search by keyword, ticker, company name, CIK number, and/or reporter’s last name—individually or in combination.Boolean operators allow for searches where all words entered are required to be in the resulting documents, exact phrases matching, exclude terms, OR logic clauses, and wildcards. Any of these can be combined in a single search. Note: Natural language search capabilities are not currently supported.
  • How do I do a basic search on Full-Text Search? Type your search in the search field and click the “Search” button. If you would like to enter a new search, click the “Clear All” button and type your new search in the search field. Your search results will be presented in a table. To view a specific document, click on the form type link (within the “Form & File” column of search results table) next to your selected document.
  • Is there an advanced search feature on Full-Text Search? Yes. Full-Text Search provides an advanced search feature. To use this feature, click the “More Search Options” link below the search field. Additional optional search fields will appear, helping you further narrow your search. After you have entered information in any of these additional fields, click the “Search” button. When you receive your search results, click on the form type link (within the “Form & File” column of search results table) next to your selected document to view the full document.