The Hill – Tech companies fret over loss of consumers’ trust after NSA revelations

beSpacific 2013-06-24

Jennifer Martinez : “The country’s most prominent tech companies, including Google and Facebook, are scrambling to save their reputations with users following the revelations over a National Security Agency surveillance program that monitors Internet traffic to thwart terrorist attacks. Since the reports broke, tech companies have mobilized into full-on damage control mode in hopes of maintaining their users’ trust. The companies immediately ushered out statements denying claims that they gave the secretive spy agency direct access to computer servers that store their users’ personal data and handed over the contents of emails, documents and video chats. The Internet surveillance program, known as PRISM, came to light after former government contractor Edward Snowden leaked classified documents about it to the media. The revelations put tech companies in an awkward position because they run counter to the Silicon Valley-embraced principles of openness and Internet freedom.”

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