Williams Institute: Supreme Court Rulings Strike down DOMA and Prevent Enforcement of California’s Proposition 8
beSpacific 2013-06-27
“The Supreme Court’s rulings regarding the federal Defense of Marriage Act in United States v. Windsor and regarding California’s Proposition 8 in Hollingsworth v. Perry have important social, economic and legal consequences for the nation’s approximately 650,000 same-sex couples living in shared households, of which an estimated 114,100 are legally married. Federal recognition of same-sex couples’ marriages may affect how same-sex couples are treated in relation to a range of federal policies, including immigration, taxation and benefits. Further, the Williams Institute estimates that, over the next three years, 37,000 California same-sex couples are likely to marry and the state economy will gain approximately $492 million in new business revenue from same-sex couples’ weddings.”
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