Independent Counsels, Special Prosecutors, Special Counsels, and the Role of Congress
beSpacific 2013-07-07
CRS – Independent Counsels, Special Prosecutors, Special Counsels, and the Role of Congress. Jack Maskell – Legislative Attorney, June 20, 2013
This report provides information on the procedure for the appointment of an “independent counsel,” a “special prosecutor,” or a “special counsel” to investigate and prosecute potential or possible violations of federal criminal law by officials in the executive branch of the federal government and in federal agencies. Specifically examined is the role or authority of Congress inrequiring an independent or special counsel investigation of executive branch officials. Under the Constitution and its separation of powers principles and structure, Congress has no direct role in federal law enforcement, nor intriggering or initiating the appointment of any prosecutor for any particular matter (other than the advice and consent role of the Senate regarding certain nominations made by the President). Congress, however, has recognized inherent authority to conduct oversight hearings and legislative investigations by its committees into misconduct, mismanagement, or any other malfeasance relating to the officers and agencies of the executive branch of government to assure the government’s proper functioning, to assurethe proper expenditure of funds that Congress appropriates, and to explore the need for remedial legislation. Revelations from such investigations and oversight, in addition to providing information for remedial legislation, may contribute to the public pressure on the Administration or Department of Justice to appoint an “independent” counsel or prosecutor to investigate uncovered evidence or allegations of wrongdoing by persons in the Administration.”
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