NYT – If You Build It, the Dutch Will Pedal

beSpacific 2017-09-07

If You Build It, the Dutch Will Pedal – “Utrecht, the Netherlands’ fastest growing city, is one of the world’s most bike-friendly places in one of the world’s most bike-friendly countries… In a country where there are more bikes than people — 22.5 million vs. 18 million — daily usage has grown 11 percent in the last decade, mostly because of the introduction of electric bikes, which lengthens the time many older people can use two-wheel transportation. Deadly bike accidents have decreased 21 percent over the last two decades, according to state figures. Much of that is attributed to less competition with motor vehicles — the more people ride, the safer it gets…he city has expanded its bike network and made innovations that have brought the average number of daily bike trips to 125,000. The city estimates these are worth $300 million in socioeconomic benefits that include health care savings, reduced air pollution and increased productivity…”