National Archives warned Trump White House to preserve documents

beSpacific 2017-10-19

Politico – Josh Dawsey and Bryan Bender, 10/17/2017: “National Archives officials have periodically warned White House lawyers that the Trump administration needs to follow document preservation laws, according to people familiar with the conversations and emails reviewed by POLITICO. The White House legally must preserve all presidential records, which are given to the National Archives after the president leaves office and are used for historical records. The documents that must be preserved include written memos, emails, speeches, record logs and more. But National Archives officials have told the White House counsel’s office they were concerned that wasn’t happening, particularly early in the administration, officials with knowledge of the discussions said. Conversations have included John Laster and Gary Stern, two National Archives officials, and the White House counsel’s office. After those conversations, White House officials assured National Archives staff that employees in President Donald Trump’s administration were being reminded of the rules, according to documents reviewed by POLITICO. The documents were provided by the National Archives after POLITICO requested copies of communications with the White House…”