New to remote work? These tools will make your transition to working from home easier
beSpacific 2020-03-17
Poynter: “As the coronavirus outbreak continues (even appearing in newsrooms), organizations are asking employees to work from home when they can. For some, this may mean discovering gaps in your toolstacks. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of tools that might help you address different needs your team may have in staying connected and effective at work. An exhaustive list is near impossible to compile given the rate at which new products are launched, or closed for that matter, but these are some of the most common tools we see newsrooms use. We’ve also aimed for tools with simpler onboarding and usability rather than sharing complex tools that aren’t easy to adopt. We’ve included information about pricing but you should check the platforms’ websites for the most accurate information as it may be different depending on your organization’s size and needs. Keep in mind that your company may have policies about which versions of tools you are able to use because of security constraints. These tools are organized by three common tool needs that most organizations share: communication, documentation and project management. Remember that the tools you use should not be more complicated than the task you are trying to accomplish. Pick what works best for the workflow and work styles of you and your team…”