Lawyers say Trump’s name on stimulus checks might be a crime

beSpacific 2020-04-29

Washington Post – Is President Trump guilty of a crime because he has his name on the coronavirus relief checks? “While some might excuse that as an example of Trump’s narcissism, a letter from three prominent lawyers, who represent disparate points on the political spectrum, says it is more serious than that. The administration’s action, they argue, warrants the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the improper use of government employees and property to promote the president’s reelection campaign. That would be a criminal violation of the Hatch Act.  Checks to individuals and organizations from the $2 trillion relief effort are meant to combat the calamitous economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic. It is the first time a president’s name is on an IRS disbursement check, my colleague Lisa Rein reported.

  •  “President Trump is actively seeking re-election. The signature of President Trump on United States Treasury checks is superfluous to their value, legality, or authenticity. The signature serves no official government purpose,” reads the letter to Attorney General William Barr. “It does serve Mr. Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign by making it appear that he is responsible for a monetary windfall to tens of millions of voters.”…”