Weather and water quality for 7,000 Beaches

beSpacific 2020-06-03

Swim Guide is a website and smartphone app for iPhone® and Android. It helps you easily find your closest beaches, know at a glance which ones are safe for swimming, and share your love of beaches with friends and family. Swim Guide delivers free real-time water quality information for over 7,000 beaches, lakes, rivers, and swimming holes in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Ireland, France, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, and Kenya. Swim Guide is available in English, French, and Spanish. Created and managed by Swim Drink Fish Canada (formerly Lake Ontario Waterkeeper), Swim Guide can be used by any public interest club, organization, or agency to share beach information with the public. Find the best beaches – Swim Guide offers water quality information for a wide variety of beaches, ranging from city parks to remote lakes ideal for camping…”