How to exercise with a face mask and what not to do
beSpacific 2020-07-17
cnet: “When stay-at-home orders begin to ease and the coronavirus pandemic simmers down (it has to end at some point, right?!), gyms and fitness studios will begin to open again. This will bring about a slew of questions for gym junkies, Orangetheory die-hards and all other fitness fiends. Is it safe to go to the gym? Do I still need to stay six feet away from everyone? How vigorously do I need to wipe down equipment? Of course, you could always stick to your home workout routine or continue exercising with household objects to ensure safety. But those who are eager to get back to the community aspect of fitness are sure to ask one big question: Must I exercise with a face mask on? In some parts of the US, that might be required. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone wear a mask or cloth face covering in public, especially in places where maintaining social distancing is difficult, like a grocery store or pharmacy. Several countries and some parts of the US have made that practice mandatory. We don’t know when those directives will end, and they could still be in place once gyms open again…”