Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore A Critical Reflection on Zoomification

beSpacific 2020-08-10

Steininger, Silvia: Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore: A Critical Reflection on Zoomification, VerfBlog, 2020/8/04: “The massive consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic are felt throughout the world, not the least in our daily work as scholars and practitioners. While the effect of the pandemic upon the political, legal, and economic systems have been widely debated also on this blog (see hereherehere), the last months have also brought about one of the most rapid and encompassing structural transformations in both academia and legal practice. Reflections on its consequences upon academia were so far overshadowed by more imminent concerns such as the reopening of campusesstudent mobility, and mass layoffs in higher education. Yet, many of the changes brought about by the pandemic are here to stay on a long-term basis. Hence, this post attempts a first sketch of a critical reflection by discussing some of the potentials and challenges posed by the “Zoomification” of our working lives…”