How to Choose the Best Cloth Face Mask for You
beSpacific 2020-08-11
The New York Times Wirecutter: “Any mask is better than no mask to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, and now that everyone and their grandparents are selling cloth face masks, you have options. Tens of thousands of them. (Around 15,000 listings on Etsy alone.) We consulted a range of authorities, from fashion designers and textile experts to aerosol scientists and infectious disease specialists, to zero in on the small but crucial design details that have an outsize impact on how a mask fits and feels, and—by extension—how it helps prevent person-to-person viral transmission. Because how well a mask works involves myriad factors (the size of a person’s head and facial features, their behaviors and environment), we couldn’t possibly identify the most effective mask for every person and every situation. Based on extensive research and preliminary fit and comfort testing, however, we do have a few recommendations for adjustable masks that we think will cover most faces comfortably and work well when worn properly. After all, the “best” cloth face mask is the one you will wear (and not fuss with)…”